Dilophosaurus: The Two-Crested Dinosaur【電子書籍】[ Enrique Fiesta ]
<p>Table of Contents</p> <p>Introduction<br /> Chapter 1: Appearance<br /> Chapter 2: Behavior<br /> Chapter 3: Environment<br /> Conclusion<br /> Author Bio<br /> Bonus Dinosaur Content<br /> Introduction to Dinosaurs<br /> Facts about Dinosaurs<br /> Dinosaur Extinction<br /> Dinosaur Fossils<br /> Dinosaur Eggs<br /> Dinosaur Names<br /> Dinosaur Diet<br /> Feathered Dinosaurs<br /> Plant Eating Dinosaurs<br /> The Weirdest Dinosaurs<br /> The Deadliest Dinosaurs<br /> Flying Dinosaurs<br /> Kinds of Dinosaurs<br /> The Biggest Dinosaurs<br /> The Smallest Dinosaurs<br /> Author Bio<br /> Publisher</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Hello young reader! Today we are going to go back in time to the age of the dinosaurs. The dinosaurs are an extinct species of animal that lived on the planet Earth millions of years ago. Extinct means that they no longer exist. They are some of the most intriguing, mysterious, and wonderful creatures to have existed on our planet. We are going to pay attention to one particular dinosaur in this book: the Dilophosaurus. The Dilophosaurus is an interesting dinosaur because of its strange appearance; it has two crests on top of its head. We are going to talk about not only the crests though, but about how it might have looked and acted and where it lived and what dinosaurs it lived with.</p> <p>It is important that we talk about why we should even be talking about the dinosaurs- they are extinct after all. This, though, is a silly question! It is like asking why you should like rose bushes, fresh breezes, or anything else that isn’t useful. Dinosaurs are inherently worthy of appreciation, just like rose bushes and fresh breezes. The study of dinosaurs also helps you to appreciate just how mysterious and amazing our planet is! Just think how cool it is that this planet could support life-forms as different as dinosaurs and human beings! The point is that one should approach the study of dinosaurs with a sense of wonder and openness, because dinosaurs are incredible creatures.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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O-Crest 関連ツイート
RT @tsutaya_o_crest: 新規公演解禁🎉
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@ TSUTAYA O-Crest「climb up」
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RT @_FERNplanet_: 2018.11.27 tue__渋谷 TSUTAYA O-Crest
@c_express84 2018/11/28 00:01
「climb up」
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